Sunday, 31 July 2016

लाल किताब के सिद्ध टोटके - नौकरी के लिए

आज संसार में हर आदमी दुखी है ! चाहे अमीर हो या गरीब, बडा हो या छोटा ! हर इंसान को कोई न कोई परेशानी लगी रहती है ! लाल किताब में इसके लिए कई उपाय सुझाए गए हैं ! जिनको विधि पूर्वक करके हम लाभ उठा सकते हैं !

लाल किताब उपाय यदि आपको सही नौकरी मिलने में दिक्कत आ रही हो तो:

एक बड़ा सा नींबू लेकर उसके चार बराबर टुकड़े कर ले। दिन या शाम के समय चौराहे पर जाकर नींबू के चारों टुकडों को चारों दिशाओं में फ़ेंक देवे। और बिना पीछे देखे वापस घर आ जावें । इस प्रयोग को लगातार सात दिन तक करें। शीघ्र लाभ होगा।

Like our Lal Kitab Astro centre page at Facebook to get more remedies and information
For specific Lal kitab remedies and consultation, you can book consultation at our website.
Acharya Vikas Malhotra
Lal Kitab Astro Centre (LKAC)

Tuesday, 26 July 2016


Nature has given us many valuable products. Each and every object produced by nature has some or the other purpose. There are many products which are very beneficial for us but we are not able to use them as we do not have knowledge about them. Today I am going to discuss with you one of the rare products of nature, i.e. Yellow Kaudi/Peeli Kowdi also known as Yellow Cowrie shells. They are naturally formed shells that are considered rare and sacred.

Today every person wants to have wealth so that he or she is able to lead a good life. There are many persons who work very hard but are not able to earn and save according to their abilities. Many persons in their emails and consultation have told me that they are not able to save money despite earning good money. Most of their money goes waste on treatment of their near and dear ones or on unnecessary expenses. For all such persons, I am giving you a very useful remedy in the form of Yellow Kauri which they can use as per the given advice to them. It is necessary that Yellow kauris are energized with the mantras of Mahalakshmi and Lord Vishnu so that they can give their desired results. There are many more tantric uses of Yellow Kauri which are advised looking at the planetary combinations and other divisional charts of the individual. I am not discussing them here as there are thousands of quacks who used to just copy and paste the information in our articles and website without understanding the logic behind such remedies and manner in which such remedies have to be done. They may misuse such information to the detriment of others. So I am dealing with most common uses of Energized yellow kauri for the benefit of all.

First of all I would like to deal with the importance of yellow kaudi. They are used in the worship of Maa Lakshmi and Lord Vishnu. They are also used in tantric sadhna for worshipping Maa Baglamukhi. Lal Kitab has also dealt with many uses of Yellow kauri especially for getting rid of various rinas (debts) in the horoscope.

Astrologically speaking, Yellow Kaudi is used so that benefits of Planet Jupiter which is very crucial in getting wealth and prosperity could be attained and at the same time they are crucial in reducing the malefic aspects of Rahu and Ketu. You must have heard the story of how Rahu and Ketu took birth during samudra manthan (sea churning) when Lord Vishnu took the “Mohini Avtar” and through His Sudarshan chakra divided Rahu demon into Rahu and Ketu. Lord Vishnu and Maa Lakshmi gave benefit of worshipping yellow kauris by saving an individual and his family from malefic aspects of Rahu and Ketu.
I would recommend each and every person associated with us or reading this post to install energized yellow kauri in their house on the auspicious occasion of Dhanteras or Akshay Triteeya. You can keep them in your pooja place also so that they can ensure free flow of money. They also help in getting the blessings of Lord Kuber and money is multiplied many times the amount earned. It is necessary that after getting them energized, they should be kept in odd numbers like (1,3,5,7,9,11 and so on) wrapped in a new yellow cloth. They should be properly energized and for people getting these energized kauri from our centre also get a secret mantra which is the key to unlock your destiny. The recitation of mantra increases the effectiveness of these shells many times.

Some of the benefits of Yellow Kauri are discussed hereunder:
1. First of all they help in accumulating the savings and exercise control on unnecessary expenditure.
2. Secondly they open new venues for earning money. For this you can keep 11 energized yellow kauri wrapped in a yellow cloth in your house temple or locker.
3. They help in getting blessings of Maa Lakshmi and Lord Vishnu.
4. There are many people who are not able to save money. They are advised to keep 21 energized yellow cowrie shells in the North West corner of their house.
5. Cowries are also used as tool to save children from evil and negativity.
6. These are kept in the cash box or money lockers for financial prosperity and protection from financial debacles.
7. Keeping three energized yellow kauri in your pocket or purse helps in generating more business and success at work place.
8. Keeping yellow Kauri in your pocket/wallet/purse will also save you from evil eye.

For getting genuine and energized yellow kauris, You can contact our LAL KITAB ASTRO CENTRE.
Hari Om Tat Sat
Acharya Vikas Malhotra
Lal Kitab Astro Centre (LKAC)
Like our Lal Kitab Astro centre page at Facebook to get more remedies and information
You can read this post at our website also:

Saturday, 23 July 2016


You all know that Sawan month has started and we should utilize this opportunity to worship Lord Shiva. According to Shiva Purana, it is very easy to please Lord Shiva in the month of Savana. I have shared some posts also in the past where I have dealt with the importance of Sawan month. Today I am giving you a good remedy which is not very difficult to do also to please Lord Shiva for getting money, wealth, health and prosperity. This remedy can be done by any person but the condition is that it must be done with absolute devotion. Everyday our Lal Kitab Astro Centre (LKAC) receives many mails from people all over the world to share some remedies for improving trade, health, wealth and family prosperity. I am sharing this post in Hindi as well as English so that maximum people can take benefit of this post. Om Namah Shivay

भगवान शिव को आशुतोष (तत्काल प्रसन्न होने वाले) कहा गया है। वे जल व बिल्वपत्र से ही प्रसन्न होने वाले देवता हैं। तीन दलों (पत्तियों) से युक्त एक बिल्वपत्र जो हम शिव को अर्पण करते हैं, वह हमारे तीन जन्मों के पापों का नाश करता है तथा त्रिगुणात्मक शिव की कृपा भौतिक संसाधनों से युक्त होती है। अत: श्रावण मास में भगवान भोले को इनके अर्पण करने से अधिक फल प्राप्त होता है।
श्रावण माह के अंतर्गत प्रत्येक सोमवार को शिवलिंग पर शिवामुट्ठी चढ़ाई जाती है। जिसमें :-
* प्रथम सोमवार को कच्चे चावल एक मुट्ठी चढ़ाना शुभ होता है।
* दूसरे सोमवार को सफेद तिल्ली एक मुट्ठी चढ़ाया जाता है।
* तीसरे सोमवार को खड़े मूंग की एक मुट्ठी चढ़ाना चाहिए।
* चौथे सोमवार को जौ एक मुट्ठी चढ़ाने का महत्व है।
* ...और श्रावण मास में अगर पांचवां सोमवार भी आ जाता है, तो सतु चढ़ाने का महत्व हैं।
भगवान शिव का यह व्रत सभी मनोकामनाओं को पूर्ण करने वाला है।


According to Shiva Purana, Lord Shiva is pleased with offering water and Bilva patra. The three leaves of Bilva patra destroy our sins of past three lives and give us health, wealth and prosperity. Through this post, I would like you to offer Water and Bilva patra to Lord Shiva throughout this sawan month and for each Monday of this month, I am giving you a remedy to offer handful of following items which should be offered to Shiva Linga. There are many people who have Shiva linga in their house itself. This remedy is easy for them but others can have Narmadeshwar Shivlinga at their house which they can procure from our centre or may go to nearby temple for remedy.
1. Offer handful of raw rice on shiv linga on first monday
2. Offer handful of white til on shiv linga on second monday
3. Offer handful of raw green moong on shiv linga on third monday
4. Offer handful of jau (barley) on shiv linga on fourth monday
5. If fifth monday comes in Sawan month then you can offer Sattu on Shiv linga.
The above simple remedy would fulfill all your wishes. Do it with full devotion. If you like the post please share with others for their benefit also.
For specific Lal kitab remedies and consultation, you can book consultation at our website.
Acharya Vikas Malhotra
Lal Kitab Astro Centre (LKAC)

Sunday, 10 July 2016


Today I am going to share some simple Lal kitab remedies to get freedom from debt.

1. On any Saturday morning after bath take a black thread equivalent to your height and tie it on a coconut (pooja waala nariyal). Worship it and praying to God for freedom from debt flow it in a river.
2. Keep North east corner (Ishaan) of your house clean.
3. Take 5 red roses, 1 silver square piece, some rice and jaggery (Gur). Tie all these items in a white cloth and recite Gayatri
mantra 21 times and flow them in a river on Monday. You have to do this remedy for 7 continuous Mondays from sunrise to sunset.
4. Have a picture of Lord Krishna playing flute with a cow in that picture and keep it in your home and office. It will help you in getting rid of debt easily.
5. Recite Rinmochan Mangal Stotra
6. Offer green grass to a cow on Wednesday morning
7. Install energized sphatik (crystal) shree yantra in your house temple alongwith eleven energized gomati chakras in your locker. They will help you in accumulating savings and will also open new venues for earning money.

For specific Lal kitab remedies and consultation, you can book consultation at our website.
Acharya Vikas Malhotra
Lal Kitab Astro Centre (LKAC)