Many a times we have seen that children, especially small children get affected due to evil eye of people surrounding them. It is also known as Nazar Dosha which affect health and development of such children.
I am giving here a good remedy for saving your children from such Nazar Dosha or bad eye of others.
In the evening take some milk in a bowl or preferably in a mud container. Move it anticlockwise 21 times from the child who you think is affected by evil eye. Now serve this milk to any street dog or any other dog you may find near your house. It will remove evil eye and your child would feel good.
Apart from the above remedy, in the night around 9-10 p.m. you can keep a mud bowl or container below the bed of your child. keep it over night and in the morning serve this milk to a dog. If you can find a black color dog it would be better.
You should do this remedy on any Saturday, Tuesday or on Amavasya to get more favorable results.
Finally I would advise that if you are facing problem of evil eye or any other similar problem, you should consult a good astrologer so that remedy could be suggested based on your child horoscope and transit conditions. I have seen many people who tend to look for easy shortcuts and do not want to spend money on getting a good consultation for them or their children. This proves to be disadvantageous for them in future.
“Hari Om Tat Sat”
“Jai Shree Krishna”
Acharya Vikas Malhotra
Astrologer, Numerologist and Spiritual Healer
Nice and Informative article Acharya Ji. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us. God Bless You