Friday, 4 March 2016


Date of Mahashivratri – March 07, 2016

Introduction – about the festival

Maha Shivratri, the night of the worship of Lord Shiva, occurs on the 14th night of the new moon during the dark half of the month of Phalguna (Feb / March) when Hindus offer special prayer to the lord of destruction. This is an important day for the devotees of Shiva, who stay awake throughout the night, praying to him.
Devotees bathe the Shivalinga with milk especially auspicious for women. According to one legend, Parvati performed tapas, and meditated on this day to ward off any evil that may befall on her husband on the moonless night. Since then, Mahashivaratri is also believed to be an auspicious occasion for women to pray for the well-being of their husbands and sons. An unmarried woman prays for a husband like Shiva, who is considered to be the ideal husband. Devotees bathe at sunrise, preferably in the Ganga, or any otherholy water source (like the Shiva Sagartank at Khajurao). They offer prayers to the sun, Vishnu and Shiva. Some folklore also consider this to be Shiva’s day as this was believed to be the answer given by Lord Shiva when asked about his favorite day by Goddess Parvati. Lord Shiva married Maa Parvati on this day. This is the reason this day is considered very auspicious for good relations between husband and wife. 

Energization of Divine Narmadeshwar Shivlinga on Mahashivratri

Narmadeshwar Shivlinga is a manifestation of Lord Shiva and it helps the deity in connecting with the supreme Lord Shiva. It is considered very auspicious as they are made naturally in the river bed. It is believed that where there is Narmadeshwar Shivling Lord Shiva Himself resides there. One can get rid of all ailments by performing daily pooja of Narmadeshwar Shivlings to achieve success in life. It is important to have energized Narmadeshwar Shiv Linga in your house or place of business. Some people try to save money and install it without energization which does not result in expected gains. You can visit our website link to know more about “Divine Narmadeshwar Shivlinga”                                                                    
Under the divine supervision and blessings of our Acharya Ji, we are going to carry out Maharudrabhishek on this day which denote bathing of Lord Shiva using vedic mantras. On this day, energization of Narmadeshwar Shivlinga will also be carried out. It is believed in our scriptures that energization of divine yantras and worship of Lord Shiva on mahashivratri bestows hundred times results than on any other day. You can also book your narmadeshwar shivlinga for which you can write an email to us at Do not miss this opportunity and contact as soon as possible as we will be able to energize small number of shivlinga only and they will be given to lucky ones on first come first serve basis.
There are many benefits of installing an energized Shiv Linga in your house, some of which are discussed here for the benefit of all people associated with us.
  1. Numerous Scriptures acknowledge the superior merits of the Bana Lingams and extol the unsurpassed virtues of them, in bestowing many great benefits. The “Yajnavalkya Samhita” states that the benefits that can be obtained by worshipping a crore of other Shivalingas are obtained by worshipping just one Bana Linga. It is said that merely thinking about their Bana Linga early in the morning itself is likely to bestow success in all their enterprises of the day.
  2. It is also said that the Narmadeshwar Shivlinga secure worldly welfare as well as emancipation from worldly involvement. It is the considered view of many that the Narmada Shiva/Bana Lingams wash off sins and curses.
  3. The Narmadeshwar Shiva Linga works with the breath and the fluids of the body creating a harmony in the body’s flow. The Narmada Bana Linga helps one to unite the lower self (conscious) with the higher self (unconscious) so that we may know our own divinity as we seek to know God. It brings believers into the mystical union with God.
  4. It heals and helps opening the chakras to resolve issues. It helps in activating the kundalini energy and the seven chakras. It awakens the energy centers and brings feelings of peace and wellbeing. It enhances personal or group meditations for clearer flow of energies.
  5. It balances and brings harmony to its surrounding environment, after cleansing the prevailing negative energies.
  6. Narmadeshwar Shivlinga has mysterious power in it that induces concentration of the mind and help in focussing one's attention. That is why the ancient sages and seers of India suggested for worship of Shiv linga so that a devotee can connect with Lord Shiva.
  7. Narmadeshwar Shivlinga also helps in maintaining the cordial relations between husband and wife. Couples who keep Narmadeshwar Shivling in their home are blessed with Lord Shiva’s blessings. I think and strongly believe that Narmadeshwar Shivling is a must in every home.
  8. Whatever is offered to Narmadeshwar Shivlinga with devotion can be taken as prasad by the devotee.
  9. Narmadeshwar shivlinga also helps in getting the blessings of Lord Saturn and the devotee gets peace and prosperity.
  10. Regular Abhishek of Narmadeshwar Shiv Linga bestows mental peace, give wealth, opportunities of success, advancement in profession and finding out appropriate match for marriage. 
How to worship Lord Shiva on Mahashivaratri

Offer abhishek to Divine Narmadeshwar Shivlinga at your house if you have already obtained it from us. We will energize and abhishek Narmadeshwar Shivlinga in the presence of Acharya Ji for those people who place orders for it by Sunday night, i.e. 06th March 2016.Offer abhishek to Lord Shiva with plain water or milk mixed water. Do not use copper vessel when you are offering milk mixed water or milk to Lord Shiva. Offer bel leaves, fruits, sweets and in addition you can have following six items in worship of Lord Shiva (Source Shiva Purana)
  • Bathing the Linga with water, milk and honey, and Wood apple or bel leaves added to it, representing purification of the soul;
  • The vermilion paste applied on the linga after bathing it, representing virtue;
  • Offering of fruits, which is conducive to longevity and gratification of desires;
  • Burning incense, yielding wealth;
  • The lighting of the lamp which is conducive to the attainment of knowledge;
  • And betel leaves marking satisfaction with worldly pleasures.
Recite Panchakashari mantra “Om Namah Shivay”

Shivratri blessings to you and your family.
May the almighty Lord Shiva bless you
all with good things and perfect health.

Acharya Vikas Malhotra
Lal Kitab Astro Centre (LKAC)

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