Saturday, 17 September 2016


Every day I come across different people having different personalities, opinions and ideas. One important aspect which I have gauged from years of my experience with different businessmen is that each person is cribbing that competition in market has increased. Be it a small businessman running a small grocery store or a big businessman running a big mall, each and every person attribute that competition is eating away their business. They forget that they need to find out their competitive advantage, i.e. what they have different with them which their competitor may not possess. That competitive advantage has to be taken benefit of.
A question which every person in his or her astrological consultation with regard to business asks is how to get more and more customers for buying their product or service. In this post I am sharing my experience by giving you some tips through which you can increase sales of your product or service. My objective with these tips is to ensure that all people connected with our centre become wealthy and successful.
Tip Number 1Know your product/service offerings
An important point to remember is that people buy products for their results or for the attributes of product or service. You should know “what are the benefits of your product or service to the customer”? Make a list of such benefits so that you can ensure that they are present in the product or service being offered. These then can be used in marketing campaigns also.
Tip Number 2Make a profile of your customers
Every person doing business should make a profile of his or her customers. For example you can seek answers to questions like what is the age of customers buying your product or service? What is their purchasing power? Are they educated and well informed? For whom they are buying product? Do they want customized products or services? These things will help you in getting a clear idea of your customers and then you can target them efficiently and will be able to price your products or services also looking at these aspects.
Tip Number 3What is your competitive advantage or how you can develop it?
This is an important area because if you have some competitive advantage, then you will be able to outperform the competitors. For example, you are offering same product which an MNC is offering but at a lower rate, then it is your competitive advantage. This will attract customers to your store. Always focus on giving customers a higher value proposition. This will motivate them to stay with you only. Remember customers always look at their own benefit and till the time you are giving those benefits, they will stay with you and be loyal to you and once they find a good alternative better than your product or service, they will shift their loyalty. So develop your competitive advantage and be ahead in competition.
Tip Number 4 – Make use of social media marketing to further your competitive advantage Today social media like Facebook, Twitter, personal blogs, Instagram, Whatsapp have become popular. You can use these to your advantage. You can build relationships with your customers. The advantage of social media is that first of all it is free and secondly you get an option to make good lead and pitch for your product or service to customers. If they find something unique in your product or service, they will definitely avail your services or buy your products.
Tip Number 5 – Reach out to your potential customers
You can reach out to your potential customers either by calling them on phone, connecting with them through social media or even through visiting their offices. Relationship which you build at this place will go a long way in getting future orders but I would caution you not to overdo it. For example, you want to sell a vaccum cleaner and make a pitch to potential customer and in your over enthusiasm you contact him several times thus irritating the customer and eventually when he decides to buy vaccum cleaner, he buys from someone else. So you have to fix a dividing line between reaching out to a potential customer by building relationship as compared to over enthusiasm in contacting him again and again.
Tip Number 6Choose the right price
This is the most important area for increasing your sales as it implies revenue for you while it is a cost for the customer. Generally customers are price sensitive and if you are able to fix up right price for the product or service offered, you will be able to close the deal. People ask him how to fix the price. The simple answer is that first of all you need to consider your costs and once you consider them, do a market research to find out what competitors are charging. Remember if you charge a high price, the perceived value of your product would increase. So check whether you are offering truly a better service or product quality. If you are able to price the product slightly at a lower price than that available in market by other competitors, you will be able to drastically increase your sales. You can work for measures to reduce cost of production so that you can offer products at slightly lower price. I give you an example for it. The area in which I am living in New Delhi has many dairies selling polypack milk along with other dairy items. There is one dairy which is doing brisk business as compared to other dairies although the product range is similar. I researched for the reason of his increasing sales. I found out that he is giving a discount of Rs. 1 on 1 litre polypack milk of any brand. This is the margin of the retailer on selling one litre milk but he is parting with it. The secret lies in initiating higher footfall at the dairy by customers who wants to save Rs. 2 to Rs. 3 per day depending on their purchase quantity but when they visit that dairy they also buy other items like cheese, bread, ghee, curd etc and they pay normal price on purchasing those commodities thus leading to increase in his sales and hence profit margin. You can think of any other pricing initiative which will help you in creating word of mouth publicity for your product or service.
Tip Number 7Learn proper techniques to negotiate and close the deal
When you go for striking a business deal, do not go with negative attitude. Look for the “win win” situation where both parties may achieve satisfaction. A good negotiator is one who has positive attitude, has the ability to ask right questions to know client requirements and above all he should be patient and well prepared to answer queries.
Tip Number 8Try to make an effective presentation
When you visit your client or you have a store where people visit for buying goods, and then make an effective presentation to them. For clients you can make use of PowerPoint slides to explain your product or service and for visitors in your store, you should make proper assortment in retail store where the customer can see available items. It would be better if you have a catalogue ready for giving an idea of product or service being offered.
Tip Number 9Focus on long term relationships with customers
In my experience, I have found that long term relationships with customers help you not only in getting repeat business but referrals also. Pareto 80/20 rule also say that 20% of your customers are responsible for your 80% revenue. So concentrate on existing customers and the process of sale should not end with sale itself rather focus on getting customer feedback, address his or her complaints and hence achieve value addition.
Tip Number 10Offer your potential customers an idea of your product or service or a free sample
It is possible that your potential customer would go in for buying product from you only if you give an opportunity to try something of your product or service at free. For example, you can shoot a short video about your product and show them to customers to know how it is functioning. You can create excitement among them by giving a free sample. For example, you are selling protein powders and you offer them a small trial pack for free to induce them to go for higher quantity by purchasing from you. You need to show them how you are different. For example, you are selling protein powder and you know that many fake sellers are operating in the grey market and if your product is genuine, you can tell your customers that it comes with importer seal and proper bill so that you get what you want. This will also help you in differentiating your product offering from that of competitors.
Tip Number 11 – Make use of sales promotions
You can use sales promotions by offering off season discount or sales or you may offer some services at lower cost to induce customers to buy your product or service. Remember that your product or service should be a good one so that you are able to win their trust and at the same time motivate them to refer you to others also. The key lies in offering genuine and good quality product offerings. There are some people who tend to push their sales by promising wrong attributes of product. They may become successful initially in increasing their sales but in the long run; they would not be able to generate repeat business. You can inform your customers about future sales at lower rates to induce them to buy higher quantity also. There are many companies like Amazon, FlipKart etc who announce some days before the actual sale about the event to create a buzz among customers about their products.
Tip Number 12 – Create a clear sales message
Here the need for you is to create a clear sales message. This could be done by thinking of two three benefits of your product and highlight them in your sales headline. For example, you are offering lower prices of jeans, readymade garments and related stuff, and then you can make a title like “Branded Jeans at unbelievable price” or “Jeans at prices never bought before” etc. Be specific and highlight two three attributes so that customer can know your message.
I have tried to cover most important things that would definitely help you in achieving higher sales. The techniques I have discussed are tried and tested one on many cases and results are awesome. You also make a note of them and “Achieve what you want”. Please like and share for the benefit of all.

Acharya Vikas Malhotra
Lal Kitab Astro Centre (LKAC)

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