Friday, 20 January 2017


It may appear to be contradictory that in this article I have described Om as the sound of silence. If a sound is there, there is no silence and where there is silence, there is no sound. This may appear illogical but there are many things in life which are beyond logic. You have to understand the meaning of Om as I see it to understand how I have resonated Om with the sound of silence.

The syllable OM is formed by three basic sounds consisting of A, U, and M. A is the potential energy of the left channel or Ida Nadi. U is the energy of the right channel or Pingala Nadi, while M is the energy of the central channel or Sushumna Nadi. So we can use these sounds singularly to work directly on one of these channels, or we can combine them. You can practice this mantra at the beginning of your meditation to bring peace and silence inside you. Om is the eternal sound. Om is the sound which is there in the universe all the time. Om represents the Self which is the Supreme Non dual Reality. The Self is known in four states, namely, the waking state, the dream state, the deep sleep state, and the fourth state called the Turiya. All these states are represented in the three sounds of OM (A, U, M), and the silence that follows and surrounds the syllable that is manifested in the fourth state.

AUM represents the three gunas or qualities inherent in the Cosmic Vibration.

A - represents Creation (Sattva)
U - represents Preservation (Rajas)
M - represents Destruction (Tamas)

These expressions of energy were symbolized in Vedic Works as the trine Deities:

Brahma - Creation
Vishnu - Preservation
Shiva - Destruction

When we recite Om, the throat sound is A, M is the lip sound and the sound U represents the rolling forward of speech articulation which starts at the root of the tongue, continuing until it ends in the lips. Om is the sound which is present in the universe but you cannot hear it with outer ears. For this you have to become silent. It is the sound of anahat naad - soundless sound which is heard when there are no dreams, no projections and your whole lake of consciousness is still and unwavering and you become receptive to hear this sound of silence. It is important that you do not have to create this sound but rather you have to prepare yourself to hear this sound. The moment you are able to hear this eternal sound, you have entered into exploring the mysteries of universe.
Another important point I would like to emphasize is that word Om is a symbol that has nothing to do with religion. That is the reason Om is not written alphabetically in any language of East because it is not a part of language. All the mystics have experienced that when they reach to the highest level of their consciousness, they are able to listen the sound of Om which is eternal and going on in the universe on a continuous basis.
The true power of Om lies in the experience of Om. Reading this article can help your mind to understand the meaning of OM, but it cannot give you the experience. Chant this, by yourself, with your friends, in your community. Allow the experience of all the words above to soak into your beingness. Feel the power each syllable has as the sound vibrations move from the low abdomen, up through the solar plexus and chest all the way to the tip top of the head. Let the vibrations clear and cleanse your energy system and chakras.

You can read this post at our website also at following link

"Hari Om Tat Sat"

Acharya Vikas Malhotra
Lal Kitab Astro Centre (LKAC)

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