Saturday, 28 July 2018

सावन के महीने में इन आसान से उपायों से प्रसन्‍न हो जाएंगे भगवान शिव, जरूर आजमाएं

सावन का महीना 28 जुलाई 2018 से शुरू हो रहा है। यह पावन महीना विशेष फलदायी माना जाता है तो ऐसे में बहुत से भक्‍त अपनी शिव भक्‍ती से भगवान शंकर को प्रसन्‍न करने के उपाय ढूंढ रहे होंगे। आइये जानते हैं इस महीने के कुछ खास उपाय।
इस खास महीने में यदि आप शिव मंदिर में जल और बेलपत्र आदि चढ़ाएंगे तो आपको विषेश फल मिलेगा।
सावन के महीने में भगवान शंकर की अराधना और पूजा-पाठ विशेष फलदायी होती है। ऐसी मान्यता है कि इस दौरान भगवान शंकर अपने भक्तों पर कृपा करते हैं। वो उनकी पुकार सुनते है। इसलिए सभी भक्त सावन के महीने में खासकर सोमवार के दिन व्रत रखकर उनकी अराधना करना नहीं भूलते हैं। ऐसी मान्यता है कि सावन के महीने में सोमवार के दिन व्रत रखने और भगवान शंकर की पूजा करने वाले व्यक्ति की हर मनोकामना पूर्ण होती है।
जो महिलाएं इस दौरान व्रत करती है उन्हें मनवांछित जीवनसाथी प्राप्त होता है और उनके जीवन में सुख-समृद्धि की बढ़ोतरी होती है। विवाहित महिलाओं द्वारा इस दौरान सावन का व्रत उनके लिए सौभाग्यकारी और भाग्यवर्धक होता है। आइए जानते हैं सावन के महीने में वो कौन से ऐसे सात उपाय हैं जिन्हें करने के बाद आप आपने जीवन में अपार खुशियों ला सकते हैं।
1. सावन के महीने में (जब से उसकी शुरुआत हो) प्रतिदिन आप शिवलिंग पर जल अर्पित करें। ऐसा करने से आपके सभी कष्ट दूर होंगे।
2. सावन के सोमवार को आप जल, 11 बिल्व पत्र , धतूरा , कनैल फूल आदि अर्पित करें। इससे आपका आत्मविश्वास बढ़ेगा। आप सफलता हासिल करेंगे। सावन में सोमवार को पानी में दूध और काले तिल डालकर भगवान शिव का अभिषेक करने से शारीरिक बीमारियां दूर होती हैं।
3. सावन के महीने में रोजाना भगवान शंकर के शिवलिंग पर गन्ने के रस से स्नान आपकी धन संबंधी परेशानियों को दूर करता है।
4. सोमवार के दिन शिवलिंग की आधी परिक्रमा करने के बाद 108 बार मन ही मन ऊं नम: शिवाय मंत्र का उच्चारण आपको सभी सुखों से परिपूर्ण कर देता है।
5. सोमवार के दिन आप जल से भगवान शंकर के शिवलिंग को स्नान कराने के बाद उनकी आरती करें । इससे आपकी आयु बढ़ती है।
6. आप शिवलिंग पर जल चढ़ाने के बाद शहद अर्पित करें और ऐसा करने से आपकी वाणी मधुर होती है और आप सबके प्रिय बन सकते हैं।
7. सोमवार के दिन शिवलिंग पर जल चढ़ाने के बाद भगवान सूर्यदेव को भी जल अर्पित करें। ऐसा करने से आपके यश में अतिशय बढ़ोतरी होगी।

Jai Shiv
Jai Bhole
Om Namah Shivay
May Lord Shiva showers His blessings on all
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Acharya Vikas Kumar Malhotra

Thursday, 26 July 2018

Why Lal Kitab is an exceptional book of Astrology? (लाल किताब ज्योतिष निराली क्यूँ है?)

I would start my discussion with a famous quote from Lal Kitab where Pandit Roop Chand Joshi Ji writes:


Truly Lal Kitab is a unique book of astrology which has the ability to activate your fortune through simple and easy remedies. I would not discuss here the origin of Lal Kitab and description of five books of Lal Kitab as they are dealt with earlier by me in my earlier articles and posts. You can visit our website or social media pages to read about how Lal Kitab originated, its basic concept, five editions of Lal Kitab written by Pandit Roop Chand Joshi Ji. 

In this post, I am discussing the unique features of Lal Kitab which are different from Vedic astrology. These unique features are the pillars of strengths of Lal Kitab. Understanding of Lal Kitab principles in the right manner may enable a practitioner to recommend simple and easy remedies for various planetary combinations and thus clients would be able to get the advantage of this wonderful book of astrology. Vedic and other branches of astrology generally suggest very few remedial measures which are complicated and expensive, whereas in Lal Kitab simple remedial Measures are suggested based on the position of every planet. Lal Kitab is a book which is based on Palmistry and thus a sound knowledge of Palmistry is an added advantage for the Lal Kitab practitioner. Palmistry helps a lot in rectifying horoscope known as “Durusti” of horoscope. It is important to mention here that there is a misconception even among the practitioners of Lal Kitab that is it is a book of remedial measures only. It is not a book of Totka as is perceived and communicated by many practitioners of Vedic astrology and general public also. Lal Kitab is based on certain scientific principles & remedies are suggested looking at the planet which can be rectified or which is exhibiting doubtful nature. The results of planet which is in its permanent house or a planet which is of Grah Phal cannot be changed and in such cases remedies for other planets have to be undertaken. Lal Kitab has a considerable part that is devoted to discussing its grammar so that appropriate remedial measures can be suggested. There are many practitioners in the market who recommend Lal Kitab remedies for nine planets looking at their position in the horoscope or varshphal but this is a wrong practice. A good Lal Kitab practitioner goes to the root cause of problem for the native and then a remedy is suggested for the planet which can be rectified through Lal Kitab remedies.
Today many practitioners of Vedic astrology have combined their astrology with the remedies suggested by Lal Kitab. They give predictions according to their own theories and suggest remedial measures of Lal Kitab which is not the correct way. Good or Bad planet suggested by the other astrological theories may differ from the theory of Lal Kitab Astrology because it has different system of judging good or bad planets, so the remedial measures suggested will not give desired results or may be ineffective.
Many astrologers have quoted that the messages given in the Lal Kitab are written in a hay way manner and also are irrelevant, but nobody has tried to solve the mystic messages of Lal Kitab by analysis of such messages systematically. Such mystic messages in Lal Kitab do have specific meanings which cannot be understood without its deep study & application to practical horoscopes.

Lal Kitab is unique because the remedies suggested by it are very simple and can be performed easily. It does not require the practice of any hard remedies, Yagnas, Havanas and other costly and impossible affairs. The most important aspect of Lal Kitab is that it suggests every individual to live a life without hatred and ill feelings towards others. It suggests an individual to maintain his relations and have good conduct to get the best of his or her planet results. 

There are some differences between Lal Kitab and Vedic Astrology which are important before learning Lal Kitab. I have summarized some of the important differences hereunder:
1.         Ascendant or Lagna (the first house in a horoscope) is always considered to be having Aries sign in it.  A traditional Indian horoscope is converted to the Lal Kitab system by changing the Lagna sign to Aries and the sign of the second house to Taurus and so on. The planets that are in these houses are not changed, only the Rashis (signs) are changed.  This removes the need for having to consider the “Lord of the first” (Lagnesh) or Dhanesh, Shashtesh etc.  Each house in a horoscope has been assigned a fixed lordship of a Rashi, which is Aries for the first house, Taurus for the second house and so on. Varshphal is prepared every year to show change in planets position
2.         Rahu and Ketu, (the lunar nodes) which are always seven houses (180 degrees) apart from each other in the traditional Indian astrology do not have to be bound by this condition. Especially, while making an annual progressed horoscope using Lal Kitab Varshphal table, these two may or may not be seven houses apart. These two can even occupy adjoining houses. Rahu and Ketu can even be together, when a horoscope is made based on one’s palm or the house that one lives in (Makaan Kundli.)
3.         Multiple planets that are together in the birth chart in a particular house, remain grouped together for the rest of an individual life. While preparing the annual horoscope, these planets move together as a group. For example, if a native has Jupiter, Sun and Saturn together in the first house in the birth chart, these planets will move together to the fourth house in 25th year of native life. You can refer to annual horoscope or varshphal tables for this purpose.
4.         In order to judge a horoscope, one need not consider the Nakshatra (constellation) or Rashi.  Also Lal Kitab does not consider the effect of transition of planets (gochar) thus eliminating the need for an almanac.  The only time one needs an almanac is, when one is preparing the natal birth chart. After that, an almanac is not needed at all, ever.
                             “Rashi chhor nakshatra bhoola, naa hee koi panchaang liya,
                             Mekh raashi khud lagna ko gin kar, barah pakke ghar maan gayaa”
 Roughly translated:
“He” disregarded the constellations and the birth sign and got rid of the almanac or panchang. “He” fixed Aries as the sign in the first house and similarly the twelve signs in the twelve houses of the horoscope.
5.         All the things around us have been fixed as representatives of, or belonging to, the nine planets.  Relatives, professions, things placed in a dwelling including cattle, pets, trees, plants etc. establish good or evil effect of a planet.
6.         The need for Navmansha and other charts, such as Saptamsha etc. have been completely eliminated from Lal Kitab consideration. Only the basic natal chart is required. Lal Kitab has its own way of making the Chandra Kundli, which is looked at in special circumstances.
7.         Lal Kitab neither has Vimshottari Maha dashaa, nor the Sade Sati consideration of Saturn. It does, however, have its own planetary cycle of thirty-five years.
8.         Mangalik dosh has been eliminated from consideration. However, since Mars has been assigned two mounts on the hand (Upper and Lower mounts). Lal Kitab considers Mars as giving dual effect – good and bad.
9.         Malefic effect of planets can be of two types:  Graha Phal and Rashi Phal. An Upaya can be utilized to guard against the Rashi Phal effect. Graha Phal cannot be altered by ordinary mortal beings.  It is the Rashi Phal effect that can be modified using the upayas.
10.       Lal Kitab system neither prescribes nor prohibits fasts.
11.       Lal Kitab is neither a Tantrik book nor does it have anything to do with witchcraft. The whole idea behind the upayas is to take advantage of the “doubtful” position of certain planets and minimize their evil effects. Ordinary mortal beings cannot completely eliminate the evil effect of a planet; however the evil effect can, generally, be reduced. The Lal Kitab system does not claim to be “God promise”
               “Duniyaavi hisaab kitabb hai, koi daawaa-e-khudaai nahin”
12.       Lal Kitab system cannot be used to harm others. There is no provision in it to do that. This system attempts to defend one against evil planetary effects.
13.       Lal Kitab system is secular in nature. In order to perform an upaya, one can go to a religious place of individual choice, which could be a temple, a gurudwara or, a mosque or church.
mentioned.)  These upayas can be performed by native blood relatives.
14.       All the upayas are to be performed between dawn and dusk. There are only two or three exceptions and those are explicitly mentioned in the Lal Kitab. There is absolutely no requirement to perform particular upayas on particular days (unless specifically
15.       As stated before, this system does not consider itself superior to other prevalent systems of astrology.
16.       The Lal Kitab should be utilized to help others:
                Kar Bhalaa hoga bhalaa, Jab tak naa ho, bhalay ka buraa
17.       And finally, Pandit Roop Chand Ji blessed all the readers and practitioners of the Lal Kitab system:
            “Khush Raho Aabaad Duniya, Maal-o-zar Badhtey raho,
                 Madad Maalik apni dega, Neki khud kartey chalo”
Finally I would like to give a word of caution. There are numerous fake books in the name of Lal Kitab which are available in the market, so before starting any remedy take proper consultation of an expert astrologer and a Lal Kitab reader. Get a detailed analysis of the remedies according to the horoscope. For learning Lal Kitab at basic and advanced level (online or offline), you can enroll in our centre. You can visit Learning Lal Kitab link at our website for more information. For learning basics of Lal Kitab, you can also order my book titled, Lal Kitab Astrology Simplified - a guide to learning Lal Kitab and its remedial measures"  by visiting following link of our website:
The golden rule of Lal Kitab is Do good deeds to others, it will result in good results for you also "because the rule of nature is "If you do Good, you will receive Good". In Pandit Ji own words:
"कर भला होगा भला, आखिर भले का भला"
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Acharya Vikas Kumar Malhotra
Lal Kitab Astro Centre (LKAC)
Book phone or personal consultation by visiting our website or


DATE : 27th July, 2018 (FRIDAY)

Guru Purnima, also known as Vyasa Purnima is celebrated during the Hindu month of Ashadha (June-July) on the full moon day i.e. Purnima. The day is commemorated as birth anniversary of Ved Vyasa, author, and character in the Hindu epic Mahabharata. Guru Purnima is usually reserved to pay respect to spiritual and academic gurus or teachers. On this day, disciples pay respect to their Guru, a spiritual guide who enlightens disciples by his teachings. While at academic institutions, students celebrate the day by thanking their teachers.
Significance of Guru Purnima
The word ‘Guru’ is elaborated as ‘Gu’ means ‘darkness’ and ‘Ru’ means ‘remover’ hence ‘Guru’ means ‘dispeller of darkness’. Guru is the one who removes the darkness of ignorance and leads the disciple towards the path of enlightenment. The day is widely celebrated by Hindus, Jains, and Buddhists in India and Nepal. In Nepal, the day is marked as ‘Teacher’s Day’.
Legends associated with Guru Purnima (WHY GURU PURNIMA IS IMPORTANT)
The day is celebrated by Hindu monks as a respect to Guru Vyasa, creator of four Vedas. It is the day when Lord Shiva became the first guru when he began transmitting yoga to his disciples, Saptarishis – seven sages. The day is celebrated as a symbol of guru-shishya tradition. Students of Indian classical music and dance celebrate the day with much fervor.
Guru Purnima is also celebrated by Buddhists in honor of Lord Gautama Buddha as it is the day when Buddha gave his first oration to five monks at Sarnath in Uttar Pradesh. After enlightenment, Buddha traveled from Bodhgaya to Sarnath. The followers of Buddha observe Uposatha, for a cleansing of the defiled mind resulting in inner calm and joy. Guru Purnima is observed on the full moon day of Hindu month of Ashad. People worship their teachers (guru) on this day. Some people, who can’t worship their teachers, can worship Lord Vishnu, Shiva, Hanuman or any other deity.
Our ancestors have set some norms for us that shows respect to the teacher.
– Never sit on the seat on which your teacher sits on. Never keep your feet up in front of your guru.
– Never use abusive terms in front of your guru.
What kind of gift you can give to your teacher on this day based on your Sun Sign:
I would advise you to give some gift as per your wish and purchasing power to your teacher on this day. Gift does not matter. What matters is your sincerity and devotion. It is a chance of giving thanks to your teacher or guru. If you are able to surrender yourself at the feet of your guru, it will serve the purpose. Inspite of that I am giving you some of the hints about what gift you can give to your teacher based on your Sun sign, i.e. place where Sun is situated in your horoscope:
Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn: Give white clothes, rice, white sweets.
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius: Give red clothes, wheat, red fruits.
Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces: Give yellow clothes, gram, yellow fruits
Mantra for Guru Purnima:
For this day, I am giving you a special mantra of Jupiter who is known as Guru also and who is the guru of Devatas. He is the divine grace, which can fulfill all of our needs without our seeking. He gives religious merit and spiritual beneficence. The other most important aspect of Jupiter is that he gives us true knowledge and wisdom as opposed to information based intelligence, which is the function of Mercury. Recite this mantra on a rudraksha mala at least 108 times.
“Om graam greem graum sah brihasptaye namah”
You were a light for me in the dark, You were an inspiration and an aspiration.
Support me always, I will succeed in all ways.
On this Guru Purnima, Lunar Eclipse will also take place. People who have lunar eclipse in their chart can perform Lunar eclipse remedies on this day. As it is a specific remedy and depends on planetary combination, I am not discussing the remedy here so that no one does wrong remedy. However you can donate wheat flour (atta) to needy people. The duration of eclipse will be from 11.54 pm on 27th July 2018 to 03.:49 am on 28th July, 2018. You can donate wheat flour on 28th July, 2018 morning also. In the middle of eclipse, you can recite Lord Hari or Lord Shiva mantras. You can have a leaf of tulsi patra before eclipse for guarding yourself against any disease.
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Happy Guru Purnima!’
Acharya Vikas Kumar Malhotra
Lal Kitab Astro Centre (LKAC)
Book phone or personal consultation by visiting our website or

Thursday, 12 July 2018


Numbers play an important role in our life. Everything in our life is related or connected to numbers in some or the other way, like time of birth, date of birth, year of birth, house number, vehicle number, phone or mobile number. Not many of us are fond of numbers in mathematics. But in numerological world, these numbers play a very significant role.

We are living in an electronic age. The whole world is taking a new turn with every fraction of time. Today with the increasing globalization, the world has been contracted and new means of communication has facilitated better communication. Mobile phone can be seen as the most used present day phenomenon in the current scenario. You carry your phone with you all the time, 24x7. 

Your mobile number is more than just a number, it is your identity. You are related to it. It is related to you. Hence, if your phone number is lucky enough for you, then your phone can be your lucky charm which you can carry with all the time. “Think about That”.
It is very important for business people to choose the right phone number as the right number lead to frequent calls and good deals. In this post, I am sharing you some of the tips for choosing the right mobile or phone number for you. 

How to determine Numerological number of your mobile phone
In order to determine the numerological number of your mobile phone, you need to make a sum of its component digits. For example your mobile phone number is 9819111223 which will be equal to 9 +8 +1 +9 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 = 37, 3 +7 = 10 or 1.
The interpretations of numerological values from 1 to 9 are given in brief hereunder:
Number 1
This is a strong number, which increases your energy and helps to influence others. But be careful, not to rely too much on the happy coincidence of circumstances. The basis of all numbers is one-the basis of all life is one. This number represents all that is creative, individual, and positive. This is a great number of businessmen and career builders, but not the best for those who are in search of love.
Number 2
This number is romantic and perfect for people who want to meet love. This number gives such qualities as kindness, diplomacy, tact, adjusts to cooperate. It is good for the strong, opinionated people, and also all those, who are associated with sales. The qualities of number 2 is more on the mental than the physical plane and they are seldom as strong physically as those born under the number 1. This number has the characteristic of being oversensitive, lack of self confidence and inability to execute plans in the desired manner.
Number 3
This number tells about creativity and fun, so it is suitable for artists, musicians and young people. It inspires, gives originality and popularity. This number is best to choose for a writer or anyone whose work involves writing. This number is also suitable for people in law profession or teaching and consultancy. This number makes the person work on attention to details and the people governed by this number dislike being under an obligation to others. This is the number of being exceptionally independent and work under least restraint. The number makes the person ambitious. 
Number 4
Number 4 people seem quite naturally to take a different view of anything that is presented to their minds. They instinctively rebel against rules and regulations, and if they can have their way, they reverse the order of things, even in communities and governments. This number represents practicality and sometimes the person can go to an extreme extent using any means to achieve set goals. Sometimes in the desire for achieving their goals, they may ignore their family and friends. 
Number 5
This number brings adventures and change. This number motivates an individual to make money by new inventions and discoveries. Owners of this phone number have the elasticity of character. They can rebound from heaviest blow also and nothing seems to impact them for long. This number is for people who love freedom, traveling and living alone. This number relates to personal freedom. If the individual having this number is not able to maintain emotional balance and stability, it may have an adverse impact on the love and family life of the individual. This number shows quickness in decisions and may be the decisions are taken impulsively also. People ruled by this number may become extremists. If they are by nature good they remain so; if bad, not all the preaching in the world will make the slightest effect on them.
Number 6
This is the best number for a family oriented people. It brings care and protection, strengthens family ties and friendships. This number is also suitable for business travelers. Number 6 is governed by Planet Venus and thus it gives magnetic qualities to the individuals ruled by this number. They often attract others to them, and they are loved and often worshipped by those under them. They are very determined in carrying out their plans, and may, in fact, be deemed obstinate and unyielding.
Number 7
This is a strong and somewhat mystical number, which is made for students and great thinkers. It has positive effect on your internal wealth, gives stability and makes you more balanced. People ruled by Number 7 usually have remarkable dreams and a great leaning to occultism. They have the gift of intuition, clairvoyance, and a peculiar quieting magnetism of their own that has great influence over others. As a class they care little about the material things of life. They often become rich by their original ideas or methods of business, but if they do, they are just as likely to make large donations from their wealth to charities or institutions.
Number 8
Number 8 denotes hard work and perseverance. Number 8 people generally are either very successful or a failure. There is no middle path for them. If they are hard working, they may achieve success in business. This number is suitable for ambitious people with positive effect on career and financial situation. This number indicates the practicality and materialism which makes it not too good for people that are focused on personal growth. Number 8 people if take a work in their hand; they try to complete it with full enthusiasm despite the opposition. This sometimes may result in bitter enemies for them.
Number 9
Idealism and compassion are the main characteristics of this number. This number may be chosen by a charity worker or health facilities. This is one of the luckiest numbers; its owners will often experience the favor of fortune. At the same time, the number is not very suitable for people with health problems, as well as all those who want to increase their financial condition.
I would advise all the people to choose the right mobile or phone number for them especially those people who are doing business primarily using their mobile. For this purpose, book a specific phone numerology consultation at our website in which we will advise whether a phone number is suitable for you or not. Please keep in mind that a wrong mobile number combination is capable of spelling doom.
For the benefit of all, I am sharing some tips from my experience which can be used to decide about a particular mobile or phone number.
1.      First of all you should know about your ruling number and destiny number. Your ruling number is addition of your date of birth. For example, you were born on 05th October, 1985. In this case your ruling number is 5 (0+5 = your date of birth) and your destiny number is the total of your date of birth. For example 05.10.1985 = (0+5+1+0+1+9+8+5 = 29 = 11 = 2). Thus from this example your ruling number comes out to be 5 which is governed by Mercury and your destiny number is 2 ruled by Moon.
2.      Secondly, just add all the 10 digits of your mobile number and convert this addition into single digit. For example your mobile phone number is 9819111223 which will be equal to 9 +8 +1 +9 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 = 37, 3 +7 = 10 or 1 which is ruled by Sun. Now you can choose a number which vibrates to your ruling number and if possible destiny number also. We also see whether your name number also matches with the mobile number you are using or going to use. I am not dwelling on the name number because in that case it would make the calculations more difficult for you to understand and the length of this post would also increase.
3.      I would strictly advise you to choose a mobile number which matches with your ruling number. If you are not able to find the perfect ruling number match, choose a neutral number but certainly do not go for unlucky or enemy number to your ruling number.
4.      Try to avoid combination of 4 and 8 for the mobile number. If it is possible try to avoid the repetition of numbers available in your Date of Birth. For example, in the above date of birth 05.10.1985, you can see that number 5,1,9,8 are available. Avoid repetition of such numbers in your mobile.
5.      All those numbers which are ascending, lower number to higher will bring graceful progression in life.
6.      Any number that contains Zeros may be very lucky or very unlucky, golden numbers with Triple or Tetra Zeros, like 000, 0000. Choose these numbers very carefully.
7.      Mobile numbers with combination of more 5s and 2s will bring instability in life, if both 5 and 2 come together repeatedly in a number it will degrade the relations between a husband and wife.
8.      Persons with date of birth 4, 13, 22, 31, should try to avoid a total of 4 and 8 in their mobile number. If possible avoid the repetition of 4 and 8 in the phone digits also.
Hope you find the post interesting and useful. For specific phone or personal consultation for mobile number, you can book appointment at our website. If you want to learn numerology, you can enroll in our numerology courses (online or offline) by visiting Learning Numerology tab at our website.
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Acharya Vikas Kumar Malhotra
Lal Kitab Astro Centre (LKAC)
Book phone or personal consultation by visiting our website or