Saturday 19 September 2015


Nowadays the menace of Dengue is spreading at a very fast rate. The symptoms of dengue fever, also known as “breakbone fever”, are typically a sudden onset fever, body aches, headaches, muscle pain, and a skin rash that closely resembles measles.

Some of the natural and ayurvedic remedies that can be followed for removing dengue fever are suggested in this post.

1. Take juice of Giloy and Aloe Vera (3-4 times a day)
2. Take juice of Papaya leaves at least 3-4 times in a day
3. You can also take juice of Pomegranate which will help in boosting your platelet count
4. Try to drink plenty of water and avoid fried and spicy food
5. You can have goat milk but it is priced heavily in the market currently. Do not worry if you are not able to have it. Try to do remaining remedies

6. You can have Kiwi fruit also that will improve your immunity and platelet count
7. Fruits rich in vitamin C like Amla (Gooseberry) is advised as vitamin C helps in better absorption of iron.
8. Boiled Tulsi that is basil leaves served in a warm drink like tea can help prevent an outbreak of dengue. This bitter and pungent herb has all the properties that strengthen the internal system against fever.

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Acharya Vikas Malhotra
Astrologer, Numerologist and Spiritual Healer
                  {MBA, LLB, FCS, MA (Public Admn), FIII, JYOTISH VISHARAD} 

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