Saturday, 27 January 2018

Sleeping House (Soye Ghar) and Sleeping Planet (Soye Grah) concepts in Lal Kitab and their relevance in predictions and remedies

Pandit Roop Chand Joshi Ji in Lal Kitab 1952 (page 96) while dealing with the concept of Sleeping house and Sleeping planet had written, “By Sleeping planet and Sleeping house the meaning is that such planet or house would not give its good results inspite of having everything with it.” There is much confusion among practitioners and students of Lal Kitab about this concept. In this post, I have shared some of the important observations of this concept which would be very useful for every lal kitab practitioner and students to analyze the impact of planet and houses in a horoscope. This concept is very important because sometimes predictions are done on the basis of placement of planet without analyzing whether the planet is in an awakened state or not or without analyzing whether a house is sleeping or an active one.
At the outset I would like to clarify that sleeping house and sleeping planet are two entirely different concepts. I would deal with both these concepts one by one reflecting their importance in predictions and prescription of Lal kitab remedies.
Sleeping House (Dormant house/Soye Ghar)
A house which does not have a planet placed in it and consequently does not get an aspect of any planet either is considered as a Sleeping or Dormant house. It implies that no benefit will be received through the subjects of that house unless that house wakes up. The method of activating twelve houses of horoscope through different planets is given in following table:
Sleeping House Number
Which planet would activate it
1st house
2nd house
3rd house
4th house
5th house
6th house
7th house
8th house
9th house
10th house
11th house
12th house

Sleeping planet (Dormant planet/Soya Grah)
If a planet is placed in such a way in the horoscope that it does not aspect another planet, then it would be considered as sleeping planet/dormant planet/soya hua grah.
It is important to point out here that Lal Kitab 1952 (page 97) clearly states that if a planet is placed in its permanent house (example, Venus in 7th house, Mars in 3rd house) will always be considered as Awakened/Activated planet.
Khana/House Numbers 1 to 6 from Ascendant in horoscope are considered as previous houses and Khana/House Numbers 7 to 12 from Ascendant in the horoscope are considered as later houses. If there is no planet in 1to 6th house, then planet in later houses would be considered as sleeping while if the later houses are vacant, then previous houses would be considered as sleeping.
Lal Kitab 1952 (page 98) also prescribe three important scenarios with regard to sleeping planet which should be considered while predicting a horoscope. These are:
1.      If there is no planet in House number10, then house number 2 planets would be treated as sleeping.
2.       If there is no planet in House number2, then house number 10 planets would be treated as sleeping.
3.      If there is no planet in House number 2, then house number 9 planets would be treated as sleeping.
Now the question arises what would be the impact of a sleeping planet. The answer is that if a planet is sleeping, its result would be confined to the house in which it is sitting. It would not be able to transfer its impact on later houses although the house in which it is sitting will be an awakened house.
If previous houses (1-6) do not have any planet as discussed above, then later houses (7-12) would be deemed as sleeping. In this case, planet that will activate “Kismat ka Grah” need to be founded and if later houses (7-12) are vacant, then remedy for making respective planet active for a vacant house need to be undertaken.
If a planet is awakened automatically and start giving its results, then it will give its bad results after the end of its period as per following table. In such cases, the awakened planet would also adversely affect the results of all planets, whether they are friends or enemies of such planet.
 When sleeping planet would be activated automatically & its malefic impact
When will wake up
In what age period
When will give malefic (manda) results
When native does job
16-21 years
22nd year
When native does government job
22 years
24th year
When native starts education again
After 24 years
25th year
After 25 years
28th year
If relationship is established with a women
After 28 years
34th year
When native does business or marriage of sister or daughter
After 34 years
36th year
If a person makes his own house
After 36 years
42nd year
When relationship with in-laws is established
After 42 years
48th year
After birth of child
After 48 years
51st year
You can read this post at following link at our website also:
I have discussed the position of sleeping planet and sleeping house and hope it would help in clarifying this important concept. If you like the post, please hit like button and share with others also.
Acharya Vikas Kumar Malhotra
Lal Kitab Astro Centre (LKAC)
Book phone or personal consultation by visiting website


Thursday, 25 January 2018

लाल किताब - नौकरी पाने के उपाय

यदि आपको सही नौकरी मिलने में दिक्कत रही हो तो आज हम आपको कुछ उपाय बताने जा रहे है
1.  अपनी अच्छी नौकरी के लिए प्रत्येक सोमवार को शिव जी के मंदिर जाकर शिवलिंग पर मीठा कच्चा दूध चढ़ाते हुए अखंडित अक्षत ( साबुत चावल , जो टूटे हुए ना हो ) अर्पित करके भगवान भोले नाथ से अपने मन की बात करें। इससे नौकरी में आने वाली समस्त अड़चने दूर हो जाती है  
2.  माह की किसी भी गणेश चतुर्थी के दिन गणेश जी का कोई ऐसा चित्र या मूर्ति जिसमें उनकी सूंड़ दाईं ओर मुड़ी हो उस पर 7 या 11 दूर्वा अर्पित करें फिर भगवान के आगे लौंग तथा सुपारी रखकर पूरी श्रद्धा से उनकी पूजा करें। तत्पश्चात जब भी किसी नौकरी के लिए या महत्वपूर्ण काम पर जाना हो तो इस लौंग को तथा सुपारी को साथ लेकर जाएं। आपको अपने कार्यों में सफलता मिलेगी
3.  जब भी आप किसी परीक्षा या जॉब का इंटरव्यू देने जाओ तो गुड और चना या आटे के पेड़े में गुड रखकर जाये और रास्ते में किसी भी गाय नजर आए तो उसे अपने हाथ से यह खिला देने से आपको जल्द ही शुभ समाचार मिलेंगे.
4.  हर शनिवार को शनि देव की पूजा करनी चाहिए और पूजा करते हुए शं शनैश्चराय नम:” मंत्र का 108 बार मंत्र जप करें, इसके करने से कुण्डली में किसी भी ग्रह द्वारा सभी तरह की बाधाएं दूर होती है और आपके नौकरी , रोज़गार मिलने के योग बढ़ जाते है.

Acharya Vikas Kumar Malhotra
Lal Kitab Astro Centre (LKAC)
Book phone or personal consultation by visiting website